Sample apartment of Kaşmir Yonca Estates, which were built in Eryaman district of Ankara that meets blue with green in peace, has come to life with Lazzoni products.
Kaşmir Yonca Estates, located along with Göksu Park, one of the largest parks of Ankara, started to host its guests. Sample apartment of Kaşmir Yonca Estates, known with its unique location and chic apartments, is designed with Lazzoni products, which made all the difference.
You can find the products used in and all details of this project, the entire design phase of which was completed with our expert Visual Design Manager, Sevde Erürün, from our Ankara Siteler store, on our page.
Visual Design Manager: Sevde Erürün – Lazzoni Ankara/Siteler Store
Product List:
Modern Chester, Luna Sofa, Tolina Chair, Floresta Console, Lakoti Sofa, Mony Sofa, Hexa Bed
Fabric chosen for all upholstered products, were chosen by taking the tones and harmony of cream-brown-walnut-colors of the house into consideration. Since the ground color used in the entire house was in light tones, dark colored fabrics were chosen to show the products clearly and so a combination of contrast is captured.
Despite of having small and narrow space, it was aimed to achieve maximum efficiency in teen rooms and the mirror placed on wardrobe did not only helped to save space, but also showed the entire room larger than it is. The table was placed next to the window to create a spacious working environment and a comfortable place for reading is achieved. Additionally, plain, simple and soft color tones were preferred for teen rooms and a calm and still room is designed.
Thanks to a small and practical dining table and four chairs chosen for the kitchen, space was saved and functionality was maintained and an extra sitting area was created by placing a sofa, armchairs and coffee table in the extending section of the kitchen, which was designed specially for dining room.
Headboard of Hexa Bed, which was designed from one wall to another, showed the area not only more spacious but also more magnificent. Curtains, carpets and accessories in gray and anthracite tones were chosen in the bedroom, in which same tones of colors were mainly used.